What is Social and Community Participation?

Social and Community Participation

Social and Community Participation is about supporting you to participate in the community, do activities that you enjoy and meet new people.

Social and community activities can include things like:

visiting your friends and family
hobbies like bike riding, skiing or kayaking
playing sport, such as tennis, surfing or basketball
going out to the movies or a concert
going places for fun like shopping or visiting a museum
relaxing like meditation or yoga
learning new skills, like dance, singing, art classes or quilting
Interested in our services? Fill out the form below to get in touch with us. We’re here to help!


How does the NDIS fund Social and Community Participation?

Social and Community Participation supports can be funded under one of the following in categories your NDIS plan: Core Supports – Assistance with Social & Community Participation Capacity Building Supports – Increased Social & Community Participation

Am I eligible for funding for Social and Community Participation?

Eligibility for funding is assessed by the NDIS on a case-by-case basis and will be included in your plan if it is considered a reasonable and necessary support that meets your needs and will help you achieve your goals and is also dependent on your situation, plan objectives and aspirations.

Social and Community Participation at uCare iCare

Feeling connected to your community is important to your happiness and sense of wellbeing. With that in mind, we offer both centre-based and community-based services with endless opportunities. You tell us what you enjoy doing and we will work with you to develop a plan.

uCare iCare will support you in taking part in activities that you enjoy, allowing you to meet people who share your interests. That means you don’t have to attend a day program if you don’t want to.


Yes. You can open up with us on the things you wish to learn and activities you want to join that makes you feel connected with the community in your own way.

Yes. We provide both indoor and outdoor group activities where you can join us for the day.

Yes. You do not have to participate in specific activities if you are not interested in.