What is MTA?

Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)

Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) is somewhere you can live whilst waiting for your confirmed long-term housing solution. The NDIS usually funds MTA as a one-off support, for stays of up to three months (90 days).

How does NDIS fund MTA?

MTA is funded under Core Supports in your NDIS plan.

Am I eligible for funding for MTA?

Eligibility for funding is assessed by the NDIS on a case-by-case basis and will be included in your plan if it is considered a reasonable and necessary support that meets your needs and will help you achieve your goals and is also dependent on your situation, plan objectives and aspirations.

MTA at uCare iCare

At uCare iCare we offer MTA whilst you are waiting for your long-term housing solution which may include:

  • Waiting for home modifications to be completed
  • Leaving hospital, aged care or a custodial setting
  • Experiencing a breakdown of informal supports (eg.family/carers) and you can’t live in your current home
  • Waiting for a vacancy to become available in a SDA where you want to live and an offer has been made
  • Waiting for new SDA to be built


Explore all of our home & living supports as well as our vacant homes here, ready for you or your loved ones to move in and receive care from us.

Our renovated 4-bedroom house can accommodate 3 individuals, with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms (2 with an ensuite) ready for you or your loved ones in top conditions that exceed expectations.

Respite care is funded for up to 14 days. If you wish to receive care for a longer duration than that, uCare iCare provides a temporary housing solution of longer-term arrangements, you can get support under the Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) or the Supported Independent Living (SIL).