Make a Referral

Enabling outcomes to achieve your goals

We have a strong commitment to Customer-focus

Our purpose is about supporting individuals to achieve their goals, following their dreams, respecting their choices whilst also protecting their rights. We recognise that everyone is unique. We design our disability support services in close consultation with our customers – so that we can support them in doing things that matter to them most. We provide support that ensures the best outcomes for all our customers.

Operating Hours

Monday-Sunday 8am – 7pm (24-hour support is also available)


12 Blackman Avenue, Mill Park VIC 3082

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment

National Relay Service (NRS) makes it easier for you to contact uCare iCare.

Freecall 13 3677 (Voice and TTY) for all calls within Australia.

FreeCALL™ 1800 555 677 (Voice and TTY) for all calls within Australia to 1800 numbers.

For Non-English Speakers

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National can provide telephone and onsite interpreters for non-English speakers to help you access uCare iCare.


Feedback/Help Us Improve

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By submitting you acknowledge you have the permission to submit details on behalf of the care recipient named above and accept the website terms.